The Holiday Spirit
Since our car accident we've been struggling to get into the holiday spirit this year. Thanksgiving was a bust since the first half was spent still in the hospital and our decorations for Christmas have been minimal due to lingering pain and energy restrictions.
One of my favorite holiday traditions is baking treats for our neighbors and I was determined to still get that done this year. I made three different types of cookies and a special Thank You pie for my friend who stayed with us all night in the ER. Both my husband and Eli helped (and Orion laid on the rug beneath our feet) so it was truly a family affair this year. My back hurts and my kitchen is a disaster but it was more than worth it.
I made my delivery rounds today, dropping off the goodies. To our next door neighbors who put up with our barky dog, who lend us tools and who are always up for a good over the fence chat, to our elderly neighbor across the street who lost her husband this year just to give her some holiday cheer, to new friends down the block who gave me rides, dropped off provisions and always checked up on us after the accident a thank you cookie jar filled with goodies and lastly a delivery of my special chocolate bourbon pecan pie to dear friends.
I've never felt the holiday spirit like I did today. Seeing faces light up. Stopping by unannounced with goodies to friends new and old and sitting by their fire for a chat. This is Christmas. This is Community.
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